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Hello, Im Alaina Ketcham. As a child I spent most of my time drawing. Pen and paper were my only drawing tools till I got an app on my phone called sketch book. You see when I was browsing YouTube I would always come across these "speed paint" videos, (Art made using a computer, phone, tablet, etc.). It took, and is still taking me some time to adjust to this, but im definitely getting better at it. If you want me to draw something for you, you can find my art Instagram in contacts. Feel free to DM me there and you can browse some of my other art works and styles. 

                                                                                                                                 Sincerely, Alaina Ketcham

Some art 

My Home

My Home,

the very place I was brought up in. I feel as though this piece of art truly captures the simplicity of my home. The colors also match really well compared to the real thing.


I created this as an experiment, so I could practice shading. Even though the designs simple I still love it. My favorite part about this is the contrast between dark and light, gold and grey.

Mental Health

When I was given the project of making a mental health poster I thought of the idea that we all perceive things differently. So I tried to make it all wonky and confusing.

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